
Long flat worms in cats
Long flat worms in cats

long flat worms in cats

When that happens, your cat might vomit up a still-alive worm, which can be a startling sight for a cat owner if you were unaware your cat was infested. In addition, a tapeworm will sometimes break off from the small intestine and travel into a cat's stomach. That being said, if your cat is heavily infested with tapeworms, she might experience weight loss from the worms digesting the nutrition from your cat's food. That's because they are unlikely to do any lasting harm to your pet, according to the Drake Center for Veterinary Care. How Do Tapeworms Affect My Cat?Ĭat tapeworms are gross, but veterinarians consider them a minor parasite.

long flat worms in cats

Cats can also get tapeworms by eating small animals like squirrels and mice. If your cat digests an infected flea while grooming herself, that flea can transmit a tiny tapeworm into your cat and grow into a full-sized adult worm. Tiny flea larvae can be infected with tapeworms. The proglottids, about the size of a grain of rice, break off from the main body of the tapeworm and pass into the cat's feces.Ĭats can get tapeworms in several ways. As the tapeworm matures, it starts shedding segments of itself-scientists call the segments proglottids. They can grow as long as 20 inches, though most are about 8 inches when they're fully grown. They feed on nutrients that pass through your cat. They have hook-like mouths that anchor onto the wall of your cat's small intestine. But what are tapeworms? Are cat tapeworms contagious? And, the most important question, how do you get rid of them right now? What Are Tapeworms?Ĭat tapeworms are long, flat, white worms. Unfortunately, they are not uncommon in household pets, including cats. There's no two ways about it: worms in cats are disgusting.

Long flat worms in cats